Wednesday 25 February 2009


I was waiting that Mònica sent me some photos, but I can't wait anymore, so today I'm going to talk about a weekend of a few weeks ago.

Mònica asked at us (Coni and me) if we wanted to go Barcelona that weekend, well, specifically Terrassa, where her dad lives. We wanted to go there a long time ago, so we didn't hesitate.

We arrived there on Friday night, so that day we didn't have much time to do anything. But on Saturday morning we got up early (very difficult for me), we had breakfast and we went to take the train to Barcelona city. I must say that while we where in the train I fell asleep jajaja.When we arrived there we couldn't stop. We were walking and walking, shopping and doing some stupid things,having a good time :). We just stopped to eat something. We know very well these zones of Barcelona, so we didn't got lost (something very unusual jajaja).

When it was late, we went to a bar for a while, then we went to the cinema to see "The curious case of Benjamin Button". I think it's an interesting movie, but a little bit long, and I was very tired, so I nearly fell asleep (but not!) jaja.

On Sunday morning we had to study (curiously) an English exam, so we studied a loooot (jojojo :P). For the rest, Sunday was a relax day , we were walking in Terrassa. I must say that we went to a stall where sells very good croissants, called "Croissants de París", they are so delicious, I think they're the best I've tasted in all my life.

It was such a perfect weekend, yeah. I want to repeat it! XDD

And how I always say, when I've photos I will post it!


Sunday 22 February 2009


Well, it's Sunday afternoon and I have nothing to do so I decided to speak about Friday night. It was the first day of Carnival, so we decided to go to Roses to celebrate it. Also we had to celebrate Coni's birthday, so we decided to celebrate all at the same time. At first we went to Sebas's home, we ate potato chips and (San Jacobos?) for dinner, they were so delicious jajaja! We had no costumes, but we dressed in a silly way. For example, Mòni was wearing a blue wig, Coni was wearing a very weird dress that made me laugh a lot jajaja! Sebas was wearing a ridiculous dress, and I was wearing a very stupid sunglasses and a jester hat. We were prepared, so we went to Roses. There we had a lot of fun and we saw many more people and more costumes, it was so funny. Unfortunately, I lost my sunglasses and now I don't know very well where is my hat U_____U, always happens the same jajaja. But it doesn't matter. On Saturday I wanted to go St. Pere but I'd had to go alone so I stayed at home.

I've no pictures yet, I hope to have some soon!

That's all.
