Friday 3 April 2009


Today I'd like to talk about a problem that exists nowadays: the cruelty to animals. Most people are not aware of everything that millions and millions of animals around the world are suffering.
There are people who cause harm and suffering to animals. They aren't always people who hurt their own pets like dogs or cats, sometimes it's also for traditions or scientific investigations, for example the cockfighting, or the Spanish-style bullfighting (corridas de toros). In meat production and in the obtention of fur also implites suffering. In laboratories, they require smoking monkeys and rabbits until they die of lung cancer, for example, or they put makeup and cosmetics to rabbits in the eye until the eye ulcers. Only in USA, 64,000,000 of these animals die annually in medical experiments.
I think that circuses are also a sign of cruelty: animals live in very poor conditions, they live a half of their lives locked in cages, and in fact they are wild animals. And all this things are just to make a show to satisfy the yearning for greatness of people.

As everybody knows,animals can feel pain and anguish, and, unlike humans, animals cannot suppress their feelings.
We live in a society that mistreats animals for fun. I think we have no right to manipulate the lives of other animals. I think animal rights should be more recognized.

Well, that's all for today, I'll write more soon.



Vito Andolini Corleone said...

I'm agree with you :(
Animals can't be mistreat 'cause they are animals. They are also alive like persons. I think it's a crime...

See you!;)

laurapenkert said...

Hi Anna,
I agree completely with you that nowadays we behave very cruel with animals. I think most of us don't realise that and this is a big problem indeed. It's very sadly...
good topic.

see you*